Tuesday, February 13, 2007


マイiAudio(携帯音楽プレイヤー)のランダム機能は、デルフォイの神託だ。 実に一番信用する占いだったりする(笑)。さて、そんな様々が迷える自分に今朝授けてくれたのは…

Love is blind, as far as the eye can see,
Deep and meaningless, words to me.
Easy lover, I need a friend,
Road to nowhere, twist and turns but will this never end.
Well my dear youll know that he pleases me,(pleases me)
But sometimes illusion aint no revolution, that aint no release for me.

Too much of something is bad enough,
But something coming over me to make me wonder,
Too much of nothing is just as tough,
I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied


すげーぞiAudio!! いまいち英語の意味分からないけど、なんかつまりそういうことな気がするぞ!