Friday, August 31, 2012



Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Forget you and allow me to be depressing.

世界の中でみたら,今の状況に不満があるなんてとても言えないし,自分史上でもとても恵まれた状況にあると思う。But still I can't stop feeling irritated. I know why; 

・I lost my love ←I chose that.
・I'm not prepared for the exam this Friday ← I'm just awful.
・A date last night didn't go well. ←I've done the same. I totally deserve that.
・I don't feel I'm needed, at office or anywhere else. ←Go to hell.

I know I have to work on all of these problems, and I know how, but the energy just doesn't arise inside myself.

I may just need to take a good rest, and read good novels so that I can forget everything. Yea, forgetting everything, is all I need right now.

・リスト化 done